Every time when I miss to attend OME Community Meetup, there was always some personal stuff for excuse. But I was damn sure about not to miss December Meetup, besides all the excuses I had to give. Although all the preparations being done beforehand to attend the Meetup, I rushed only to see the main session of the event to be ended. However, as always I also enjoyed the Network session and Tips sharing session.
Aashish Malve’s Presentation had good insights about Online Sales during Holiday Seasons, tips, suggestions etc., Thanks to Aashish for sharing the presentation by mail. It was good to be connected to industry experts of diversified knowledge.
It also allowed me to reconnect with Suresh, Shiva Purohith, Shyam, Raghava, Ranjan and many more. I could also see new emerging entrepreneurs who were very keen to learn Internet Marketing and students who were interested to take internships in companies on ‘Online Marketing’.
Many a times I wonder how people do such thorough research & analysis on a topic, when I hear someone like Raghava talking about Twitter optimization and Shyam on wordpress blog post rankings. Great tips!
I see OME Community as a place where you can share knowledge on this very distinct subject - Search Engine Marketing.
Looking forward to the next Meetup